Our Swimming Pool Expertise
With over three hundred projects successfully delivered, we have a proven history of providing peace of mind to our customers in the swimming pool sector. Our work encompasses both new build projects and the refurbishment and upgrade of existing facilities, each presenting different challenges.
Each project that we undertake at Bensons Panels brings its own, unique challenge, but the extensive experience that our team can bring helps bring peace of mind to our customers.
A question we were asked recently was:
"What's the biggest swimming pool job you've ever done?"
Whilst we have successfully completed many large projects, the Centre Parcs development in Longford Ireland is a fitting example of a large-scale Bensons solution. During this work, we took on the following in collaboration with our customer FT Leisure:
- Integrated seven separate swimming pool filtration systems into one control panel.
- Networked all pools using a Siemens S7 PLC system.
- Minimised the footprint of the control panel in the plant room.
- Delivered to tight timescales.
- Provided both remote and on-site support overseas.
Regardless of the project or its size, our goal remains the same, to provide our customers with peace of mind that they will receive high-quality solutions that will work first time.

Introducing AI
Recently, Matthew experimented with Notebook Notebook LM, an AI-driven platform, to see how it could help us to reimagine our content.
Bensons Baldies
At Bensons, we are fortunate to have a deeply experienced workforce who collectively bring an impressive 600 years of expertise to designing and building high-quality electrical control panels.
Christmas Closure
As with previous years, we are maintaining our tradition of closing down over the Christmas and New Year period.
Need to discuss your perfect Control Panel solution? Simply fill in the form with your details and requirements and we'll be in touch!