Bensons Green Journey | A Closer Look at Our Sustainability Initiatives

Solar Power

One of the latest strides in this endeavour involves a strategic partnership with Volta Compliance, a leading authority in sustainable solutions. This collaboration marks a significant milestone as we embrace renewable energy through the implementation of a state-of-the-art solar photovoltaic (PV) system.

The decision to integrate solar power into our operations is a testament to our dedication to reducing our carbon footprint. By harnessing the sun's energy, we aim to not only minimise our environmental impact but also set an example for others in our industry. The solar PV system is a tangible manifestation of our ongoing efforts to operate in an eco-friendly manner, aligning our business practices with the principles of sustainability.

The Road Ahead

Looking ahead, our sustainability roadmap takes an even more ambitious turn. Bensons is actively engaged in a comprehensive assessment of its entire carbon footprint, addressing scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3 emissions. This meticulous evaluation involves a detailed analysis of direct emissions from owned or controlled sources (scope 1), indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy (scope 2), and all other indirect emissions that occur in the value chain, including both upstream and downstream activities (scope 3).

This comprehensive approach underscores Bensons' commitment to environmental responsibility, going beyond mere compliance and striving for excellence in sustainability. The goal is nothing short of establishing Bensons as a carbon-neutral entity, a commendable feat that reflects our dedication to environmental stewardship.

As we navigate the complexities of this assessment, we are diligently finalising a robust strategy that encompasses innovative solutions to offset and reduce our carbon emissions. For those keen on staying abreast of our journey towards sustainability, we invite you to stay tuned for further insights and updates. We believe that transparency is key in fostering a collective responsibility for the environment, and we are excited to share the progress of our initiatives with our stakeholders and the wider community.

Emission Scopes

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Next Gen Makers – Excellent Employer

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