Introducing AI

Recently, Matthew experimented with Notebook Notebook LM, an AI-driven platform, to see how it could help us to reimagine our content. Using our 16-page Buyer’s Guide, which is packed with critical insights for engineers and buyers on selecting the right partner, he tested their cutting-edge ‘Audio Overview’ feature. The result? An engaging, podcast-style summary that transforms our guide into an accessible and dynamic format.

While our Buyer’s Guide is an invaluable resource, we understand that a lengthy document might not be the most captivating read for everyone. Notebook LM’s audio approach offers a fresh solution, making our content not only easier to digest but also perfect for on-the-go consumption. Imagine being able to absorb all the key information during your morning commute or while tackling other tasks!

This experiment has sparked exciting conversations about how we can make our resources more interactive and engaging. By leveraging AI tools like Notebook LM, we’re not just keeping pace with technological advancements – we’re looking for ways to elevate the experience for our audience. Stay tuned as we explore these possibilities further.

To harness AI even further, we were a little bit sneaky and fed Chat GPT some key points… an AI blog written by AI is slightly ironic, but something we knew was a perfect opportunity to test.

Have a listen to our new Buyer’s Guide podcast here:

Our Swimming Pool Expertise

With over three hundred projects successfully delivered, we have a proven history of providing peace of mind to our customers in the swimming pool sector.

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Bensons Baldies

At Bensons, we are fortunate to have a deeply experienced workforce who collectively bring an impressive 600 years of expertise to designing and building high-quality electrical control panels.

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Christmas Closure

As with previous years, we are maintaining our tradition of closing down over the Christmas and New Year period.

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