Bensons Proud to Support Leeds Manufacturing Festival
Bensons Proud to Support Leeds Manufacturing Festival

Leeds Manufacturing Festival (LMF) is run by the Leeds Manufacturing Alliance to promote greater awareness of the range and depth of opportunities available within the manufacturing industry for young people and Bensons is proud to be involved in LMF 2023.
A key element of Bensons’ business strategy is a highly skilled workforce in order to ensure they stay at the forefront of the UK control panel industry. As such, there is a commitment to ongoing investment in the team – including investing for the future through apprenticeships, and this is where the synergy aligns between Leeds Manufacturing Festival and Bensons.
Given the challenges facing the manufacturing industry, particularly in relation to the skills gap, Bensons were keen to support the aims and ambitions of LMF to help spread the word about the fantastic career opportunities in the region and have committed to their programme of events, including Leeds City Council Apprenticeship Fair, Manufacturing Careers Showcase and many other sector specific events organised by LMF.
Just as the LMF launches for 2023, Bensons are proud to celebrate the achievements of two of their current apprentices, Tom and Ben, who have recently achieved their Level 3 Engineering Fitter BTEC qualifications.
Matthew Barton, Director at Bensons says: It is generally recognised that the UK suffers from a skills-gap in many areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing. As a forward-looking SME we feel it is only right that we make the necessary investment to help address this industry wide challenge. We’re proud to celebrate the achievements of our two apprentices and look forward to securing another apprentice in the near future. We see our support of Leeds Manufacturing Festival as a mutual benefit – we can help promote the vast opportunities available as careers options at the same time as securing the next generation of valuable contributors to Bensons

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With over three hundred projects successfully delivered, we have a proven history of providing peace of mind to our customers in the swimming pool sector.
Introducing AI
Recently, Matthew experimented with Notebook Notebook LM, an AI-driven platform, to see how it could help us to reimagine our content.
Bensons Baldies
At Bensons, we are fortunate to have a deeply experienced workforce who collectively bring an impressive 600 years of expertise to designing and building high-quality electrical control panels.
Christmas Closure
As with previous years, we are maintaining our tradition of closing down over the Christmas and New Year period.
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