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Excitation & Engineering Services Ltd (EES) – Control Panels for deployment offshore.

The Challenge
A technically complex project with a tight and non movable deadline.

To secure a strategically important piece of work with a major client, EES needed to be able to commit to achieving an aggressive delivery timescale for an excitation system to be deployed off-shore in South America, with a pre-defined and non-movable departure date from the UK.

The Solution
Experienced engineers, fully engaged in a collaborative and parallel working approach for a timely result.

Building on a strong working relationship established on previous projects, Bensons was quickly able to evaluate the requirements and pull together a proposal to build the control panel in line with the project timescales.

The Result
A control panel achieving ABS Certification for deployment offshore.

Bensons was able to respond quickly to the opportunity presented by EES, as part of this we were able to commit to achieving aggressive timescales on a strategically important project for EES.

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