Page 3 - Bensons Panels - Case Studies
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                                                                                         C ONTR OL  P ANELS

        The Company and Project                                                         Bensons Control Panels

        Control panels for Building Management Solutions                                CLIENT:
        With over 110,000 employees globally, the Fortune 500 company Honeywell
        produces a wide range of commercial and consumer products, engineering services   PROJECT:
        and aerospace systems.                                                          Control panels for
        The company manufactures technologies to address some of the world’s most       building management solutions
        critical challenges in energy, safety, security, productivity and global urbanisation.
        Bensons first began working with Honeywell in the early 1970s and now provides the   RESULTS:
        company’s Building Solutions team with over one hundred new control panels each   Fast turnaround projects and
        year. Bensons also regularly provides engineers to modify and maintain systems at
        Honeywell customer sites around the UK and Republic of Ireland.                 cost effective tooling

        The Challenge
        How to upgrade with minimum disruption to the business

        A key element of Honeywell’s Building Solutions business is the building
        management controllers that facilitate effective building management
        With a reputation for innovation, Honeywell continually researches new
        services for its many customers. This leads to the introduction of new
        ranges of building management controllers, such as the Excel 800 which
        superseded the Excel 500.
        When new products are launched, Honeywell customers using legacy
        systems have the opportunity to upgrade to enjoy the increased
        functionality and all the business benefits this offers.
        The challenge is how to upgrade with minimum disruption to the
        business. Typically, the cost of downtime for such system upgrades is
        high, so any upgrade needs to be completed quickly and effectively. In
        addition, the cost of a complete new control panel is likely to be high,
        with the physical access to replace it often limited – so an innovative
        solution is required. Bensons looked carefully at the options available,
        exploring different solutions to meet the challenge.

                                                       The Solution
                                                       Pre-wired backplates, with swing frame configuration.

                                                       Working closely with Honeywell engineers and their customers,
                                                       Bensons considered the capital cost and operational impact of
                                                       different approaches. Bensons then developed a solution using
                                                       pre-wired backplates that house the replacement controllers. By
                                                       using a swing frame configuration for the backplates, Bensons was
                                                       able to manage the installation and access processes with minimum
                                                       disruption to Honeywell and its customers.

                                                       The swing frames were assembled, wired and tested at Bensons’
                                                       own site before being fitted by Bensons’ engineers into the existing
                                                       control panels at Honeywell’s customer sites.

                                                           01924 894162 
                                       Beckbridge Road, Normanton Ind Est, Normanton, West Yorkshire. WF6 1QS
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