Page 1 - Bensons Panels - Case Studies
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The Company and Project SUPPLIER:
Bensons Control Panels
Excitation & Engineering Services Ltd (EES) – Control Panels for
deployment o shore. CLIENT:
An industry leader in specialist excitation control systems throughout
the world, EES have an experienced and knowledgeable design team. PROJECT:
They can design robust, stand-alone excitation systems, or combined Control panel for deployment
generator control packages that include generator protection and offshore
synchronising schemes for any application.
Their professional consultancy service is backed by comprehensive RESULTS:
hands-on support covering emergencies/breakdowns, routine Experienced engineers, fully
engaged in a collaborative and
maintenance, system testing/diagnostics, up to date system parallel working approach for a
replacement and training. timely result
The Challenge
A technically complex project with a tight and none
movable deadline.
To secure a strategically important piece of work
with a major client, EES needed to be able to
commit to achieving an aggressive delivery
timescale for an excitation system to be deployed
off-shore in South America, with a pre-defined and
non-movable departure date from the UK.
The excitation systems that EES build are
technically complex, requiring a substantive
phase of hardware and software integration
and testing, before a finished system can be
handed over to the end customer.
This meant EES needed a control panel
manufacturer who could commit to delivering
a high-quality control panel in tight timeframes
with a high-degree of confidence, so as to
provide EES with the time necessary to prove
the functionality of their system.
01924 894162
Beckbridge Road, Normanton Ind Est, Normanton, West Yorkshire. WF6 1QS